于是突发奇想联系到外国的同学, 她帮忙找了下国外神经性耳鸣的治疗论文,这篇太长了,我就只看了下结论部分~是说音乐治疗对神经性耳鸣有帮助的,不过具体的情况也在研究中,里面推荐了Janalea Hoffman的音乐,不过我找了几个地方都没搜到他的音乐。
发出来给大家分享下,如果有英语牛人,也翻译下造福大众吧~。要是有人找到Janalea Hoffman的音乐~麻烦留言告诉我在哪里下啊!
We conclude from our observations that the combination
of Tinnitus Activities Treatment and music
as a sound therapy can be effective in reducing the
problems associated with tinnitus. We believe that
individual differences are highly important in sound
therapy. Many patients dearly prefer music compared
to noise. Passive listening is easy to implement, and
patients who substantially benefit from it can work
it into many aspects of their daily lives.
Active listening requires specified time commitments,
but can be very effective at diverting attention
away from tinnitus symptoms. We identified several
categories and specific examples of music that many
patients found particularly helpful. We now share
these with others for daytime listening and to help
them fall asleep at night. One example is the music
of Janalea Hoffman, which we believe is particularly
helpful for getting to sleep. She has produced several
CDs, induding Musical Biofeedback II and Deep
Daydreams, that our patients have used for both
daytime and sleep listening.
Another benefit of the study is the large database
we have established, which includes several measurements
of the tinnitus patients who participated
in the music trial. This will allow us to examine the
relationship between different questionnaires and
different measures of tinnitus severity (Tyler, et al ..
2006). Such databases enable us to search for similarities
and differences among tinnitus patients, and
to provide insights into new directions in our search
for a cure.
神经性耳鸣的治疗 NeuromonicsTinnitusTreatment.pdf (2323 K) 下载次数:28