Understanding how changes in the brain cause tinnitus
'This potentially groundbreaking research, while still at an early stage, could lead to future therapies...'
This is a three year PhD studentship being carried out by Joshua Gold. He is being supervised by Dr Victoria Bajo Lorenzana at the University of Oxford. The project started in October 2012 and will finish in September 2015.
About 1 in 100 people experience serious problems with long-term tinnitus, a medical term for any noise that people perceive in their ears or their head in the absence of an external source. Often the condition is extremely distressing and greatly affects quality of life. There is currently no cure.
Tinnitus often occurs after a hearing loss and evidence suggests that this might be due to nerve cells in the brain becoming extra sensitive (or hyperactive) as they adjust to the loss of sound signals from the ear - just like the hum that you'd hear if you turned up the volume on a stereo. This hyperactivity seems to be linked to how the brain 'maps' different sound frequencies, particularly for sounds affected by ear damage.
The project will investigate brain 'mapping' reorganisation and changes in nerve cell activity that occur after hearing damage, which is thought to have caused tinnitus.
After identifying areas of the brain with abnormal activity, the researchers will attempt to reduce the sensation of tinnitus using a new scientific technique - called optogenetics - in which genetic and optical methods are used in combination to manipulate the activity of nerve cells.
The team will focus on the nerve cells in the reorganised parts of the brain. The technique involves putting light sensitive proteins into the nerve cells that can then be turned 'on' and 'off' with light. By turning the proteins 'on', the nerve cells should turn 'off', which should reduce the tinnitus.
The project should provide crucial insights into how tinnitus is generated in the brain, and should reveal whether optogenetic manipulation of the 'reorganised' nerve cell circuits help to reduce the sensation of tinnitus.
If the researchers are successful in reducing or even eliminating the sensation of tinnitus by using their combined light and genetics approach, this will indicate a promising avenue of further research.
Further studies would work towards finding safe and effective waysof correcting these neural circuits in humans and could lead to new treatments not only for tinnitus but also for other conditions involving abnormal activity in the brain.
这是一个由约书亚金带领的为期三年的博士奖学金项目。他在牛津大学进行,由Victoria Bajo Lorenzana 博士监督。该项目已于2012十月展开,并将在2015九月完成。